Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Jagannath Temple - Puri

It is the earliest Ganga monument of Orissa, but it must be noted that the ganga temples of much earlier dates are still to be traced in the Andhra regions, the original seat of power of Gangas. There is a definite mention in all the later copper plate records of the successor of Chodaganga that he was the builder of this great temple at Puri. According to some evidence sources that Chodaganga had began this huge structure and one of his successor Ananagabhimadev III completed it or added the Jagamohan to it.

Lord Vishnu

The height of the Jagannath temple of Puri as calculated as 215 feet 8 inches. It is therefore the loftiest religious edifice of Orissa. At present the thick coat of plaster which had covered the structure for centuries has been removed. As is usual in all great temples of the period, the monument stands on a high platform which is connected with the ground level by a height of 22 very very big steps. The edifies is masive and strong and is a product of accummulated experience of the past in temple architecture and this factor has enabled it to with stand the ravages of time.

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